Saturday, November 16, 2013

Workout: Beginners Full Body and The Simplest Weight-loss Diet You've Ever Heard Of

-          Warm up thoroughly
-          Deadlift 4x6
-          BB Bench Press 4x6
-          Front Squat 4x6
-          BB Bent rows 4x6
-          Push Ups 3x15
-          Lat pull down 4x6
o   Front Plank 3x1 minute
o   Leg Raises 3x12 

I hope you enjoy this full body beginners workout. Be certain that all movements can be performed correctly prior to adding any substantial resistance. Form comes first, and the weight will follow. Although this is a beginners workout, it can still facilitate growth in intermediate or advanced lifters. It can be made more difficult through particular variations. If the athlete is capable, the lat pull downs can become pull ups, and the push ups can become any variation of push up that will be more difficult, such as raised push ups, staggered push ups, or plyo push ups.


The Simplest Weight-loss Diet You've Ever Heard Of

Fortunately, for myself, I have never had the personal experience of trying to lose weight. It has always been the goal of my training to gain weight. For instance I am 5'11" and I weigh about 200 pounds, my goal is to be 210 or 215 pounds by May of 2014. In a weird way I am actually disappointed that I have never had the experience of trying to lose weight because that means that I am without the personal knowledge that I would have gained through my dieting. However, I do have the experience of prescribing weight-loss regimens to people and viewing their individual successes.

In my experiences of helping people lose weight I have learned one thing above all others. People almost always over complicate what is needed to lose weight. The course of action that must be taken to lose weight is very, very simple. I'm not saying it is easy but is in not complicated whatsoever. The basis of losing weight is this: burn more calories than you consume, and you will lose weight. That is the bottom line. It doesn't matter where the calories come from, they could all be from donuts even. If you burn more calories through exercises that you take in through those donuts, you will lose weight. It will probably be one of the most miserable experiences of your life because your body cannot function on food like that so the workouts will be horribly difficult and you'll always be sick, but I promise you will still lose weight.

It's simple physics, the Law of Conservation of Energy to be specific. That's why people gain weight. A calorie is a measurement of energy. It used to be the standard unit for all energy but was replaced by the Joule. It has remained as the measurement for the amount of energy in food however. So when you look at the back of a box of food and see how many calories there are per serving, that is actually saying how much energy is in the food. Now when it is eaten the energy is then is your body, and then is transferred out of your body through movement. However, if there is not enough movement the energy must be stored in the body because it is not being transferred out of the body and cannot be destroyed (Law of Conservation of Energy). Therefore the leftover energy is stored in the body as fat, to be used at a later time.

This seems complicated, right? Not really. That whole last paragraph can be summarized into one sentence. If you burn fewer calories than you take in, you WILL gain weight; and if you burn more calories than you take in, you WILL lose weight. All those silly fad diets, elaborate exercise programs, fat burning pills or that stupid powder you can sprinkle onto food that tricks your brain into thinking you're full are all unnecessary (and in some cases are total scams). They were created by people capitalizing on the tendency for people to over complicate what it takes to lose weight.

The following "diet" that I prescribed for my little sister has led her to losing around 30 pounds in less than a year. I realize that compared to some of those fad diets I was talking about, 30 pounds in a year is slow. The difference is that with a "lose the weight in no time" diet, as soon as the diet ends nearly everybody goes back to their old lifestyle habits and gain all the weight back (or even more in a lot of cases). In my sister's case, she has had to maintain strict discipline for almost a year to reach her goals, thus resulting in a change in all her lifestyle habits. So now when she finally reaches her goals, she will not fall back into her old habits but will remain in her new habits that have led to her finally being healthy. I got the basics of this diet from Elliott Hulse. Although I don't know the man personally, he is one of my largest resources for gaining new information and ideas about fitness. I then test what he suggests and make my own modifications to it. This diet is extremely effective over a long period of time.

Here are the parameters of the diet I prescribed to my little sister.

1. Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the amount of calories your body burns every day only through bodily functions that are necessary for survival, such as heart rate, breathing, digestion, maintaining body heat, etc. There are a lot of different free BMR calculators online, so just google it. Once you have calculated your BMR, take the number, perhaps it is 1600 calories per day, and drop it by 300 or 400 calories. This will be the number of calories you'll eat everyday until you reach your weight goal. You will be hungry from eating this little, but that's just a part of it. You have to be willing to make sacrifices if you really want to lose weight.

2. Walk for an hour every single day. It will help with the weight loss process if you do this every day on an empty stomach. This is critical. Walking an hour every day means every day no matter what. Sunday through Saturday, without fail. This is just another sacrifice that must be taken in order to reach your goals.

3. Weight train three to four days a week. It doesn't really matter what kind of training you do. Just train. I would suggest some form of circuit training that is going to raise your heart rate. I will post a good lifting circuit soon. The most important thing is that whatever training you do, you do it properly and consistently.

4. Stay consistent. Realize that this is going to take at least a year. Losing weight quickly doesn't work. It has to be done consistently over a long period of time. Once you reach your weight goal, you will begin a life-long journey of staying healthy, so a year to lose the weight really isn't that bad. Once again, I'm not saying that losing weight is easy, but it is simple. In fact, this will probably be quite difficult, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. Do these four things and you will lose weight. Make the sacrifice and change your life.

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