Tuesday, October 29, 2013

 Workout: Leg Workout I Wrote for My Pal Bryce and Supplementation Part 2

-          Power clean 5x5
-          Front Squats 4x6
-          Walking DB Lunges 3x4 each leg
o   Superset w/ single leg drop jumps x3 each leg
-          Single Leg RDLs on balance disc 2x6 each leg
-          Hanging Leg Raises 3x10
o   Superset w/ Med Ball Twists x15-20

This workout is what I would consider intermediate in difficulty. There are supersets but not as many as there would be in a more advanced workout I would right. Bryce is hoping to get back his six pack from this workout too, so I added some core exercises at the end. The bottom line, however, is that if you want a six pack, you've got to fix your diet and lose some fat first. Everybody has a six pack, it's just usually covered. Adding these core exercises will help build the abdominal muscles and that will make them more noticeable when the fat has been lost. And yes, that's right, spot reduction is a total myth. Doing core exercises will not result in losing fat in the stomach. It just doesn't work like that, I'm afraid. But it will build core strength and the size of the muscles associated with the core and that is a good thing.

My Odd Style of Supplementation Part 2

It has been a little while since I wrote my last post. I try to stay on top of these, but sometimes life just gets crazy. Anyways, in my last post I talked about how I take my protein, and my use of L-Arginine, and Fish Oil. In this post I'll speak about why I would drink baking soda daily. I was going to speak about Vemma Verve and creatine, but this post will probably go a little long, so I'll save those for another time.

Baking Soda

Everybody knows that baking soda is one of the most useful things around the house. It can be used for baking, cleaning, making volcanoes, and even deodorant... but as a fitness supplement? That's right. There are a few basic reasons why drinking baking soda would be beneficial for the average person to drink. It's beneficial because it is basic. Alkaline would be a more technical term to use.

Due to the massive amount of acidic food consumed on a day to day basis in most modern countries, almost every single person you see is overly acidic, and you probably are as well. I know I am. Acidic foods include citric juice, like orange or lemon juice, dairy products, a lot of meets, and so much more. Being overly acidic can lead to a myriad of health issues, anywhere from acne to cancer. Unfortunately, with food the way it is these days, it is essentially impossible to avoid enough acidic foods to become more neutral. There is a very direct way in which to combat this however, and that is through the drinking of baking soda.

I was first introduced to the use of baking soda when I was at my friend Chris' place, hanging out and being health nuts with him and his dad, Todd. Chris' father Todd is without a doubt the smartest and healthiest person I have ever known. I honestly think this man will live to be 100 years old at least. Anyways, we were using his 30000x microscope to look at the health of our blood cells. Todd would always say "healthy cells means healthy body, because your body is made up of cells." Looking at our cells, we could see the overall health of them. First we drank Vemma and then tested our blood immediately, and again in 15 minutes. There was significant improvement, and I'll get more into depth with that in a later post. Then we tested our blood again immediately after drinking a table spoon of baking soda with water. The improvement in cell health was astonishing. There was day and night improvement from before and after drinking baking soda. The baking soda actively combats acidity in the body.

The benefits I have had drinking a tablespoon of baking soda daily include a boost in strength, a boost in my immune system, my face beginning to clear of acne, and feeling overall healthier. So that's what I do. I drink a tablespoon of baking soda every morning when I wake up.

A warning about this supplement: it is even more disgusting than L-Arginine. It is truly awful, but the benefits are worth the taste 100 times over. I found it is most affective to chase it with something non-acidic. Chasing it with something acidic can reduce the effectiveness of the baking soda by neutralizing some of the alkalinity. My favorite thing to chase baking soda with is apple juice because it is non-acidic and covers the taste well.

I hope this information will help you and that you will try baking soda as a supplement and evaluate it through your own experience. After all, studies, research and blog-posts can only offer partial education. True education always comes through experience. I have personally experienced the effects of baking soda on my body and I would strongly recommend it for anybody interested in taking the health of their body to the next level.

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